K&L Gates Arbitration World, Summer 2008

By K&L Gates attorneys Ian Meredith, John L. Boos and others.

Arbitration World is an update for clients and contacts on recent development in international arbitration law and practice.

Welcome to the Sixth Edition of Arbitration World, a publication from K&L Gates’ Arbitration Group which aims to highlight significant developments and issues in international arbitration for executives and in-house counsel with responsibility for dispute resolution.

In this edition, our review of key case law includes reports on the keenly awaited U.S. Supreme Court decision in Hall Street v. Mattel, a U.S. appellate decision excluding class actions, and a recent case from the Court of Arbitration for Sport with potentially wide-ranging implications.

We look at investor-state arbitration in the NAFTA context and reasons to arbitrate disputes if enforcement in Russia is in prospect. We look at the growing area of e-disclosure in the arbitration context, and the controversial draft ABA disclosure guidelines for arbitrators on conflicts of interest.

Contributors from our Hong Kong office discuss developments in Chinese arbitration. We report on a worrying decision in the Indian courts on challenges to foreign-seated arbitration awards and a troubling Australian decision on the scope of application of an arbitration clause. Our Berlin colleagues highlight matters to be aware of when providing for arbitration in corporate transactions in Germany.

We also bring news of our latest office opening in Asia and look forward to our International Arbitration Event to be held at the New York Marriott East Side in September 2008.

As always, we also include a round-up of developments from around the world.

View the Summer 2008 edition here.

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